The Water Harmony Eurasia-II project intends to establish the scientific and pedagogic consortium including 10 partner universities from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Norway to harmonize water related higher education to increase the relevance and quality.
It fits well to an existing Ukrainian initiative on national level commission intending to harmonize research and teaching strategies on chemical technology among universities in Ukraine while Belarus, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova are keen to learn the synergy and benefits. NMBU gets an insight to the teaching strategies in Eurasian countries while contributing with Norwegian and European good practices. All 10 partners have common features that integrate their ambitions, competence and national level mandates, which are to prepare master-level specialists on water and wastewater treatment and water resources management for their respective countries. Three modules covering parts of these will be developed, together with mechanism and tools enabling sustainability of the further development process by providing post-graduate diploma courses. Teaching materials including e-learning modules, e-resources, presentations and text book in six languages will be developed. 66 Eurasian students over 3 years and 2 PhD students will be trained using new concepts in a Norway.
Funding agency
The Water Harmony Programme is administered by the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) on the basis of an agreement with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.